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This article first appeared in the Fall 2021 issue of New Beauty.

We know jawlines are trending big right now, but our obsession with facial reshaping is nothing new. Cosmetic enhancements to the lower face have been in vogue as far back as the 1950s, when as her medical records suggest, a Hollywood contract player named Marilyn Monroe secretly sought a plastic surgeon for fat grafting and a cartilage implant to correct “mild flatness” in her chin. Using the excuse that she had cut her face, the young starlet took time off to recover away from prying eyes before her next screen test. Today, jawline reshaping is no longer a hush-hush endeavor, with an increasing array of new treatment options that make it easier than ever to strengthen a weakened chin, tighten jowls and give the lower face a sleeker, more well-defined look.

The Basics

A proportional jawline evokes a more youthful and harmonic face, says Chicago plastic surgeon Julius Few, MD. “It is the vital transition point between the face and the neck and the foundation for a beautiful neckline, which is an area that tends to show aging first and is often the most difficult area to make look naturally youthful. A nicely defined jawline is independent of gender or race, with a well-defined outline framing the very nature of a beautiful face.”

Celebrity aesthetician Joanna Czech typically starts a jawline treatment by opening up the spine because this is where all of the nerves responsible for opening up the front of the body are located. “To do this at home, you can manually massage the back of your neck, scalp, shoulders, and even your lower spine. Use a facial massage tool for the frontal area, to lift your cheeks, and along the jawline. Then use a microcurrent device, and finish by applying a lifting and firming mask.”


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