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You’ve cut out sugar, cut back on the bad carbs and block-booked your Pilates classes, but what about your skin? NEWBY HANDS shares her easy detox tips

Choose a clay mask

A world away from the old-school solid-as-rock clay masks that we used to have, the new generation are creamy, transformative and luxurious. I love using a clay mask (Dr Sebagh’s Skin Perfecting Mask or Lixirskin Soft Clay Rubber) after a long-haul flight or a long day in the city, whenever I feel my skin needs a really deep clean. US-based aesthetician Joanna Czech says her skin detox trick is to massage in a cleansing oil and, without removing it, apply a clay mask on top. “Then massage the two together rather than letting the clay set,” she says. “It deep-cleans pores and leaves your skin healthy and plumped up.”