To Squeeze or Not to Squeeze? What to Actually Do When You Have a Breakout

It’s everyone’s nightmare scenario, and we’ve all been there. You wake up after a good long sleep, feeling rested and ready to face the day, a spring in your step as you head to the bathroom to wash your face. And there it is, staring back at you in the mirror. The pimple to end all pimples. A spot that’s so big it’s basically become an extra feature on your face.
So, what do you do? You freak out. You point at it. Shout at it. And then, if you haven’t committed the number one spot sin (a.k.a. squeezing the hell out of it), you cover it in toothpaste or whatever military-grade spot solution you have on hand, spend the foreseeable future fretting over it, only to check up on your blemish-busting progress to find it’s now a red, raw, dried-out mess that no amount of concealer can cover-up.
But before you cancel all your meetings for the day – big, bad breakout in tow – there are some things you can do to stop your spot in its tracks without making matters worse. Here, Savoir Flair taps nine top global skin experts to find exactly what we should and should not do when a pimple makes an appearance. You’re welcome.
What to Do: From the best ingredients to put on that pimple to DIY remedies and the power of whizzy technology, this is what you should do when you get a breakout, according to the experts.
Do Practice Expert Extraction
Joanna Czech – Celebrity Facialist & Esthetician
Don't Use Sharp Objects
Joanna Czech