Agent Nateur
Created by Jena Covello, who had some serious health issues and in the process of healing herself, realized that ingredients really matter. Agent Nateur is made of non-GMO, food-grade, organic ingredients that can be used on the most sensitive skin. The fragrances are non-synthetic, mild and lovely, the packaging is simple and chic and most importantly, it works! Jena has taken a basic product and really elevated it.
Created by Jena Covello, who had some serious health issues and in the process of healing herself, realized that ingredients really matter. Agent Nateur is made of non-GMO, food-grade, organic ingredients that can be used on the most sensitive skin. The fragrances are non-synthetic, mild and lovely, the packaging is simple and chic and most importantly, it works! Jena has taken a basic product and really elevated it.