Studio Treatment FAQs
Does Joanna have a waitlist or cancellation list for studio appointments or virtual consultations?
Yes, she does. Please call one of our studios to learn more about booking with Joanna.
Joanna Czech New York 212-464-7303
Joanna Czech Dallas 214-812-9488
I just had a virtual consultation, when will I receive my RX?
You should receive your RX within 48 hours (about 2 days) of your Consultation.
Do you offer micro dermabrasion?
We do not offer micro dermabrasion. We do offer other peel options that we find superior to micro dermabrasion including gentler water peels, sapphire peels and advanced diamond peels. Your esthetician will determine which is best for your skin the day of your appointment.
Do you do extractions in the facials?
Yes, all of our facials include extractions if needed. If extensive extractions are needed, we recommend a 90-minute facial.
Do you offer different kinds of facials?
Each of our facials is customized to the client’s needs on the day of their appointment. We believe skin is constantly changing and has different needs based on lifestyle season and goals. The esthetician will consult with you at the beginning of your appointment about your concerns and needs and perform a facial that addresses them.
Do you wax or tweeze for eyebrows?
We prefer to tweeze because of the fine detailing it allows us.
How often should I get a facial?
Your skin regenerates every 21-28 days, so to maximize the cumulative results of our treatments, we recommend a facial every 3-4 weeks.
At a minimum, we suggest getting a facial 4x per year, because your skin has unique needs with each change of season. Your esthetician will ensure that your at-home skincare routine is consistent with your current skins needs.
Can I book a facial appointment via email?
To get the most up-to date appointment availability please book your appointment online HERE. Or call directly to one of our studios.
Joanna Czech New York 212-464-7303
Joanna Czech Dallas 214-812-9488
Please Note: An appointment with Joanna can only be booked over the phone.