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Joanna Czech, aesthetician

“I follow The Plant Paradox eating program and have done for more than a year. It’s a book written by Dr. Steven Gundry, who advocates cutting out lectins (found in grains and legumes) for a diet that is very anti-inflammatory,” says Czech. “For breakfast, I have a berry mix with sheep or goats’ yogurt, or eggs and avocado, then sea bass or salmon with vegetables for lunch and dinner. More importantly, I cut out corn, cucumber and tomato with this program; within a week I had fewer headaches and felt less sluggish. As with gluten, not everyone has a sensitivity to lectins, but cutting them out has made a big difference to me.”

"I cut out corn, cucumber and tomato; within a week I had fewer headaches and felt less sluggish… Not everyone has a sensitivity to lectins, but cutting them out has made a big difference to me"