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Whether you are 16 or 65, it is never too late to begin taking better care of your skin. I believe that you should treat it according to its unique condition, rather than your age, and I do not prescribe skin ‘types’ as I find them too narrow in scope. 

When you decide to make your skin a priority, it can be overwhelming! There are tons of choices as well as friends and ‘influencers’ giving you advice, and you do not always have enough knowledge about your own skin to understand what you need. 

Here are some tips on how to make the process easier, and simple things you can do to create a healthy routine that will yield impressive results. 

Begin With a Skin Care Professional 

Find a reputable esthetician (Or depending on your condition, a dermatologist) and get a consultation. Seeing a skin care professional will allow you to best understand your skin and how to treat it properly with the correct products and treatments. 

Depending on needs, age, lifestyle, climate, and budget, you and your esthetician will decide on treatment plan that could range from 1x to 2x per week. And equally important, they will help you with a home routine, advising on what ingredients and products are best for your skin 

Skincare Steps Not to Skip 


What Are Facial Cleansers and Why Are They Important? 

Cleansing is the first step in a proper skincare routine. It is used to remove make-up, dead skin cells, oil, dirt, and other pollutants from the skin, helping to keep pores clear and prevent skin conditions such as acne. Cleansing ensures that all those aggressors are washed away at the end of the day. Once the skin is clean it can finally breathe – I do not mean that figuratively – literally, your skin can soak up more oxygen when it is clean. 


Toners are the most misunderstood product in skincare, and because of this, many people do not use them. Toning is a vital step in an effective skin care routine. It always follows cleansing and is the first step in treatment (not the second step of cleansing). 

What is toner and why is it so important? 

When we cleanse, our pH balance can get thrown off. Yes, our skin might be clean, but it is not at its ideal levels. Unbalanced skin can lead to irritation and inflammation. Toning after cleansing restores skin to a state where moisturizers and serums can be absorbed more efficiently and effectively. 

Facial Massage 

**if you have severe acne, skip this step 

Facial massage speeds up circulation, bringing more oxygen to the tissue, resulting in brighter, healthier skin. It can also change the shape of the face, lifting the brows, the jawline and emphasizing the cheekbones. 

 Other benefits of Facial Massage: 

  • Prevents the formation of wrinkles while releasing built up tension in your face 
  • Increase oxygen flow so that the skin can respond better to products 
  • Removes toxins and build up from the face by stimulating lymphatic drainage 
  • Adds immediate vitality to a dull complexion 

A facial massage 5-7 minutes daily will make a real difference. 


Serums contain concentrated levels of key ingredients that target specific skin concerns and are applied after cleansing and toning, but before moisturizing. They address specific skin conditions, and the smaller molecules penetrate the skin more easily. 

Why are they so beneficial? 

Serums are completely customizable to your routine and the specific skin care conditions you want to address. They can hydrate, soothe, exfoliate, plump, protect, you name it. Treating issues like discoloration, dullness, fine lines and even acne.  

How to apply: apply serum into your palms, then gently rub your hands to warm up and activate the serum. Then lightly press your palms into the skin, making sure to both your face and neck. You can also cocktail 2-3 serums at a time to address a few conditions. 

The most common types of serums you will find are:

  1. Anti-Aging
  2. Brightening
  3. Hydrating
  4. Exfoliating
  5. Firming

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Moisturizers are the last step in hydration and seal in all the important ingredients. When skin cells are hydrated, they can repair themselves and turn over with greater frequency. This, in turn, can reduce or even prevent hyperpigmentation and wrinkles. 

Top 3 Benefits of Moisturizing 

  1. Retain moisture
  2. Alleviate dryness
  3. Protect against environmental or external factors

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Prioritize Your Nighttime Routine 

Products are up to 60% more effective  when your body is at rest. Your skin is exposed to all sorts of pollutants, dirt, and grime throughout the day. Nighttime is the chance for your skin to reset, undo the damage from the day and create new cells. Take advantage of this and do not skip your nighttime routine. Do all 5 steps every night. Invest in your skin, and it will show. 

Morning Skincare Routine 

Your morning routine, while similar to the nighttime, has a couple of key differences. 

  • In place of cleanser, I recommend using water and a washcloth to rinse off the residue of the evening product and you can skip massage 
  • Add SPF 30 (you do not need to go higher than this) if you are in the sun or a very sunny climate for more than 20-30 minutes 

Why is it okay to skip cleanser in the morning?

If skin has been properly cleansed at night, you just need to remove the residue of the products you applied in the morning. So, while it certainly will not hurt to cleanse in the morning, it is not necessary.

Why is sunscreen such a critical step? 

Sunscreen is something that should be used all year round, not just in the summertime. Ultraviolet rays are always present, even in the wintertime. These harmful rays penetrate deep into your skin and can cause skin cancer, melanoma, wrinkles, accelerated aging, and other health issues. Using an SPF 30 when you are outdoors or by a window for more than 20-30 minutes a day  can help to prevent these issues.  

There are so many products available in each category that address different concerns, and it is important to listen to your professional and choose the ones that are right for your particular conditions at any given time. 

Feel free to have a few products in each category that you can use as your skin’s condition changes depending on climate, diet, lifestyle etc.... 

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Consider Your Climate 

When the climate changes because of the season or travel, our products and treatments need slight adjustments. 

 In extreme cold: 

  1. Use lukewarm water when cleansing the face and body
  2. Use a gentler micro-exfoliator
  3. Use oil-based moisturizer (not water based)
  4. Stay hydrated
  5. Protect your exposed skin

 In warmer weather 

  1. Use lighter m moisturizers
  2. Switch to lighter water-based products
  3. Use vitamin C serum during the day

Save aggressive treatments for the milder seasons (fall + spring). Healing is sped up during these times because the body is not using energy to fight heat or cold. 

Your Face Starts at The Nipples and Ends at The Hairline 

Many people focus their skincare regimens exclusively on what they consider the ‘face’ and forget about other parts of the body that can significantly show our age – specifically the neck and décolleté. Both have reduced lipidic layers and can reveal signs of aging more quickly than other parts of your body. 

Everything you do to your face should be applied to these delicate areas, and any leftovers should be used on your hands (another neglected area). 

Skincare Consistency – Why Is It Important to Have a Consistent Skincare Routine? 

The results of skincare treatments and maintenance are cumulative, much like body workouts are. You cannot change your body by working out once a month, but if you work out every day, big noticeable changes occur. The same can be said for the skin. 

Your skin rejuvenates itself repeatedly, by shedding several old cells daily. A daily routine will help ensure to keep the skin fresh, lively, and youthful.  

The Earlier You Begin, The Better 

While typically our skin does not start to show signs of aging until our 20’s, our cells’ STP energy starts to diminish at age 7 and once puberty hits, major changes begin to take place. The sooner you begin to create a healthy skincare routine, the longer the cumulative effects last. 

 **Please keep in mind that as you begin your regimen, your skin may have adverse reactions. This is normal as the skin is working on balancing itself out. Communicate with your esthetician along the way as they can adjust your treatments and products accordingly.